All cylinders filling with water

At this point im calling "BS" on all 8 cylinders filled with water from a guide leaking on #2 cylinder.It is impossible to have enough water from one head to fill all the holes on the other bank ,plus it ran fine for a few minutes prior.The water would have to fill that cylinder ,then fill the port in the head ,then fill the intake port ,then fill the plenum to get to the other side .Keep in mind how many of the intake valves musta been closed while it was shut off ,but the water still managed to drench these cylinders.This is absoulte Hogwash .Water doesnt seep uphill and the plenum is higher than any part of the cooling sytem .BTW ,i cranked up my Dart a few mintures ago and everything seemed as usual (70 psi oil pressure ,no odd noises ,etc).I took a quick glance under the hood afterwards and noticed the oil filter was missing .The oil filter had sumhow found its way into the carb ,passed through the motor ,and was stuck in one of the header primaries ,but remarkably the 408 ran fine and by sum miracle it didnt lose a drop of oil .While were telling fishing stories ,i thought i would add mine ...
