New TTi shorties

Yeah but I can build myself a set and anything else I want or need for my projects..... Can you say the same?? I doubt it. There are other options out there besides thinking TTI is GOD headers. Yes they work well and I have bought them and used their product.

Pick your parts pay your $$

actualy yes i can,worked for 11years doing exhaust stuff and have built enough headers to be bored with it and since i was doing most all the mandrelbending and patternmaking aswell as most jiggs at the company i understand why they cost what they do. and i know how much time it takes to build a set of headers and to create a good patern and keeping the quality at a high level. as for most other stuff no problem,have enough friends with good machines that i can borrow or get alitle help from to make most anything automotive. only thing i just wont build is torqueconverters. and i usualy leave machinework on blocks and cranks to a friend with a speedshop with an attached machineshop but if only i knew how to do those jobs properly and had acces to the tools i would make that to.

im happy to pay the price for TTIĀ“s products since i know that i get what i pay for.