Pink Floyd fans?

I saw the Animals tour in 1977 , Olympic stadium (autostad) Montreal , Canada.
At that time it was the largest concert ever held in Canada. They played the whole
"Animals" album , then the complete "Wish you were here" album and then "dark side of the moon" as their encore. Still to this day one of the best show I have ever seen .
Ticket price $10.00 cad LOL the good old days . Guess I got old . How the heck did that
happen. They ended the concert with style as well . The roadies started stealing equipment from the band They took the guitar and then the player. They started
taking drums and cymbles away, then they took the keyboards away and the key board player , the whole time the band is still jamming away. Now all that is left on stage
is the drummer with a bass drum and one cymble and the bass player , then they carried the bass player away, the drumers is still pounding away on his bass drum and cymble
and 6 or 7 roadies come out 3 of them pick up the drummer while he is still on his stool
hoist him over thier heads and carry him off stage the others grab the bass drum and cymble and the encore and concert are over. Great show. In 1978 the attendance record
was broken at Canada Jam held in Mosport park Ont. Some etimated 10,000 people showed up for that one, including me of course. That record held for years until the S.A.R.S. concert in in Toronto with the Rolling stones playing I think , not sure I was not at that one. LOL.
Have another Pink Floyd story from when they played in Edmonton in the 1990s went to
that one in my 1968 Metalic blue notch back Barracuda. Still listen to Pink Floyd to this day. Going to put some right now . Cheers. Ticket price $50.00