Ok, over this! Number guru's provide documentation to correct this rant..

This information is provided "as is" and is for information purposes only. This information was obtained from the www, Books and other Reference Materials.

from the disclaimer, all of the supporting sources could be the same with regurgitated information. So, I wouldn't bank on it without knowing the original source(s) and how they obtained their information. That is what research is and I have done a lot in my days and not just cars. This is how incorrect information gets around.
I assume it is from a database using percentages by looking at the numbers but is likely based off of reported information and its true accuracy can not be confirmed as fact.. I take the N/A to mean there is not enough gathered information to determine with any certainty? I do find it interesting though, but again, guessing with no source.

well this is partially true Chrysler Historical Society has breakdown of many models that
Will show hardtop, conv., etc with engine trans combinations. the point to this whole post is no where is there information to my knowledge that breaks down cars with certain
options. for example 4 speed convertible with a console or red paint.
Chrysler didn't keep those kind of records where is this information coming from that's all I'm saying