A shameless beg for a little help****I WON!!!!! Thank you!

PCD, I wanted to help out a little more if I could (can't let an SUV or a rice rocket get the upper tire heh hehhhh) so I encouraged my 3500 or so friends to vote too.

Considering my thumb was your sixth, and it's only been about a half hour, you now have 45 VOTES and 8 Shares. :-D Comments and votes are still coming in ... here's what I told them.

"Okay Mopar fans, a friend's got the only Mopar in a FaceBook contest presented by another friend, Gotham Auto Works, and his main "competition" [cough cough] includes an SUV (?!?), an Audi, a tuner rice rocket and a Shelby Cobra. He's currently in the lead but I have a feeling ya'll could help him secure a landslide and shut those wanna-be's down! As usual with these FB contests, you first have to click on the link below to cast your vote.

Though I know it's an easy thumb to raise -- what a beauty!!! -- your Like on the picture WILL NOT BE REGISTERED! Please take a moment to click the link below, find and click on the second photo of the Road Runner, and Like it! Thanks in advance ... https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151284560481199.1073741826.19856941198&type=1"​