Eddy plug sunk in combustion chamber?

no thats deff. not right take several pictures call whoever sold them to you asap get the head sent back for a replacment if you paid some 1 to put on get all receipt coppies save original have the shop tell them man hours i would think you probbly caught that before it got put on but if its a shop theres rtime involed due back from edel if its a buddy or you oh well at least you caught it. my bro inlaw got his e-z indy"s shop put the topend together and was leaking water after a few test they found it was leaking thru a exhaust port in the head. they got ahold of indy and got $ back for porting time build time and paid them x amount of labor to find and time down and paid for his heads for him came out almost 3k and they sent him 2 new heads to start over with .so if they got ported get all doccumentaion together and see if they want 1 head or both back for research and dev. you should get compensated every thing from them( ***** a little ) if not a good offer to replace at a fair loss of time mabeee you get a good deal like kevin did .that keeps and gets customers ,is the service and going out of the way for you to keep it quiet or tell them there service is so gr8. hope it works to your favor and let us know how it worked out doccumentaition is and communication is key here get to the top dog g/l you have a gr8 case for free heads if they take care of you like indy took care of kevin.keep us posted and thanks for a heads up to every 1 just cause its new doesnt always mean its right