Getting over an ex carfriend?

Don't get me wrong though I would die alittle on the inside if I lost this car and I have made it loud by cutting the "rusty" exhaust out and straight piping it and I am going to lift the rear end and get deep dish mags and white letter tires to go on them but when I turn around after I get out of the car I wanna see this brut american muscle looking thing and I am greeted by this business casual car thing and I have only had this car a couple months and I still haven't adjusted so to say. But being 17 I have a long road ahead of me, I think I want to later on down the line take this little gold car and gas it out to full drag status and name it Business Casual in like retro 70's pinstripeing on the side. Most of my friends and co-workers have said its a pretty ugly car but I can see it for what I want it to be and the beauty in it even though it has 4-doors and its inca gold. I guess these things take time and im a stubborn teenager. But at this past car show I was the only person with a /6 and I felt unique in a world of 350 chevys and mustangs. But I do like Dart_Doctors Dakota with the steelies and hubs like that they hit me in the feels man I wouldn't mind having a black set for Val. But if one thing about this car so far has pissed me off already its that I can't figure out where it is leaking coolant >.>