Mopars at the Strip 2013

The gold 66 Cuda is mine and I am a member and you are right I had the time of my life, a long haul there and back but it was worth every second! Would liked to have talked to more of you guys but I was trying to take everything in.

For me, a 66 Barracuda was my first car. I really enjoyed watching you out there tearing up the course. Your car cornered pretty darn flat going around the cones.

Big thumbs up to you and the other Barracuda owner. Both of you guys had really nicely restored cars. I think it is really cool to see people build them and drive them.

Seriously, it looked so fun, I considered taking the Dart out with the skinny front tires and no sway bars.

So what kind of improvements have you done to the suspension? And were you taking part in the true street competition?