my low buck street and strip ride

Now get that manifold back on the car and get the car to the track.:D
Have you installed the gears yet? I have a full bottle of NOS you can use at the track if you want...The NOS is free to you but you can't keep my bottle. lol
the manifold will be going on on the fourth when i get the gaskets from the gears are not installed yet. i need to get a crush sleeve eliminater still.going to order that on the second of april.last but not least,hell yes i will take you up on your offer!i think testing it with your experience will be most beneficial.i'm thinking that i should start with the 100 hp jets.should i have it set to turn on at full throttle,or ??? i think that would be easiest for me.and thank you steve i am trying hard to get everything sorted out with my buisness so i can get there often.(mobile mechanic)