67 dart emissions

You guys talk about giving a mechanic $100 to make adjustments get your car to pass is a crime! If the guy is good enough to do it, has the equipment & is willing to spend the time for you to get it to pass & make you legal again he deserves to get paid! It's money well spent! It's clear to me many of the guys here don't have a clue how to tune a car for lower emissions & many don't know for driveability sake either.

Over advancing the timing won't help it. If anything take some advance away from it. Later timing increases exhaust temperatures & helps reduce HC/CO. It may need to be leaned out a little too. You can guess at making these adjustments & keep wasting time in the Inspection lanes or break down & pay the guy with a gas analyszer to adjust it on the machine & actually see what's coming out of it. Have him make notes(or you can do it) of what your setting were before making any changes & after you get it to pass go back & reset everything the way you had it if you like it the way it runs now. 100 bucks isn't poop-squat when it comes to car hobbies!