Door Alignment Problem - 65 Dart Convertible

You guy's are correct..... a convertible car is especially vunerable when you put it on a rotisserie (like spaghetti). Like the other's have said, the car need's to be sitting on the ground, suspension loaded, then you can check door hinge's for wear, and rebuild them if necessary, and get the door's fitting totally correct before removing. There is NO getting around putting the car on a rotissie, without putting square tubing or the like, inside of the door opening and welding it to the pinchweld area's, front to rear of door opening's, to tie everything together. I like to weld it at least 3 different spot's, to make sure it's rigid. Also, make sure this is done in a manner, so the door's can open and close with the structural tubing welded in place. Good luck