340 r.i.p.

Thanks for all the advice. Like I said earlier I have alot to do before I need a motor so I can be patient. I'm gonna put this block in the corner, put the messed up piston and rod on shop table for ash tray and think about it over a few home brews.

Is there much to going to a later roller cam engine? How are those motors balanced and what will I need to change?

They are externally balanced, just like the other LA 360. Use a counterbalanced flexplate and keep your trans the same if you like. Oil pans are larger at the front and rear, so you will need a passenger car oil pan with the long block. I can't remember if they block the fuel pump off or if they use a different timing cover, but either way, you have one that will work on it, on your 340 for a mechanical fuel pump. They also use spool mounts for the later small block, so you will need new mounts.

Everything else should bolt up.