Sask trip and Draggins car show pics

My Mom and I headed to Saskatoon to check out properties to buy/rent for my job opportunity. My Aunt lives in Saskatoon and had an "old convertible" that she was hoping I would help her with. It is her and her husband Terry's car and he passed away 6 years now. I asked my Mom what the vert was, but she didnt know, so I was dying to see what it was. Turns out it is a 69 Cutlass "S" vert. Was hoping for a Mopar, but it is a nice car that needs some TLC. I have some "rocket" vc's that I grabbed from a hoarder for it too! Im looking fwd to working on it.

When we were out heading to Unity we saw this pickup in front of us and it was loaded with antlers...and I mean LOADED!! All different sizes...maybe for soup?? LOL

Pics of the amount of looked deceiving, but there was/is a buttload of it!!

Timing was perfect as Olkimmer let me know Draggins were having there annual car show, so we got to take that in and I got to meet Kim and his wife Pat again, I met them last year when Lori and I took a trip out west to Medicine Hat.

Thanks again Kim, enjoy the pics