Tach location

I apologize for the hijack....

You are correct. The car came out in '57 and had a tremendous amount of chrome on it. In '59 (mine) they cleaned up the shape. It had a wrap around windshield, was a unibody and had sincro on the first gear. It was sold through the Pontiac high performance division because it was the most powerful (52 hp) of all cars of it size. The full title of the car was Vauxhall Victor Delux Series II. The Delux was a Canadian model only. A far as I and the Vauxhall l club could acertain, it was one of only 2 of this model to be on the road when I owned it.

What you see is (except for the tire, battery, windshield wipers and one headlight) how it left the show room floor. I bought it when it had 17,400 miles on it and had been in storage for almost 40 years. Absolutely no rust. It drew crowds where we went.. absolutely reliable..we put 20 hours of driving on it in a 4 day period without a hiccup. My wife hated it...she preferred my '71 'bgt. I sold both cars a couple years after my accident. I had the 'bgt 29 years. Oddly enough, both cars went to owners about 2.5 hours away from me but only a half mile away from each other.
