I'm so happy I'm in tears

As some of you may know I've been out of work, laid off for a year and unemployment was nearing the end. I haven't been able to find a job paying more than $12 hr. I've been prepping the house for sale if it came down to it and had an arrangement with a friend to buy my car with the stipulation that I could buy it back when I got on my feet. Well I just got a call from my former employer. One of the guys at work is out hurt, and will be out for 6 months. They want me to come back to work until he returns. They are guaranteeing me six months and if gets busy I will get to stay, if not I'm back to the unemployed. I'm sooooooo happy to be going back to work!!!! I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders even if it's only temporary. :blob::blob::blob::D:D:prayer::prayer::thumblef::thumblef::thumblef::toothy8::toothy8::toothy8::wav::headbang::headbang::headbang:

Congrats! :happy1: