How to install a windshield.

These tips are very informative it would be a good idea to use painters tape to hold the gasket in place to the windsheild, it tears of easy after seated, starting the installation at the top rather than the bottom may be better from watching the pros. do it.
mark the trim hold down clips with tape so when you put the chrome trim on you will know where to push it down into place. you can put sealer after cut the tip very close to the end and slide the tip into the gasket and gently squezze the sealer in between the glass and gasket, push the gasket along the end if any sealer comes out just use a blade to skim the access. I wonder if coating the pinch rail and gasket chanel with Vasaline would work and is a good water repelant after all its used for getting into tight places .HA HA
I have a used but not so bad gasket I might just buy a new one, I have to intall the windsheild on my car also.