Mandatory Firearm insurance?

Yep, that kind of crap is what got me looking into it.

In the first place, try and convince old Arkansas Dave (or whoever) to go along with that. (It will just cause more of the guns possesed to be unregistered), and therefore illegal and since it will be illegal you then have a criminal who can no longer own a firearm.

Every time something like this comes up I remember my Dads words.
"Our government is slowly but steadily working at making every citizen an outlaw of some sort or another"
"Because when they accomplish this, they no longer have to take your rights into consideration, and can take total control of the country away from the people"

Starting with guns only makes sence, because if I wanted to abuse people's rights and have complete power over them I wouldn't want them to have guns to defend themselves with.

When are the people going to WAKE UP and say "The hell you are"