Mandatory Firearm insurance?

I believe in the second amendment, always have. My wife believes as i do in this matter. We are also teaching our kids at age appropriate levels what the constitution means. My 14 year old is getting the education. We have to teach our young about these things, because our public screwls are in bed with the leftists, commies, and socialists. They are even in the colleges.

Keep buying up ammo for your firearms, keep your powder dry, practice shooting. The day is coming my friends, where we will have to defend our liberty and our rights from an increasingly tyrannical government.

They will not take away my guns or my rights. I will die defending the constitution from the scumbags in washington.

Btw anybody notice the smoke n mirrors in washington last week? While people were fighting over gay marriage, the monsanto bill was quietly passed. Dont know what the monsanto bill is? It gives monsanto chemical corp preferential treatment for development of genetically modified foods, seeds, etc.

Genetically modified seeds only work for one growing season. Once the vegetable is produced with these seeds, the seeds inside the grown vegetable are not capable of growing. This makes it to where you have to buy your seed every year, and not be able to save any of your grown crops to use as seed for next year.

This makes a monopoly. Look for legacy type seeds for your gardens, not GMO seeds. You can use the dried out seeds from your legacy vegetables every year.

We are headed to george orwells 1984 folks. What a scary future is ahead for us and our kids. I wish you all well and good luck