Mandatory Firearm insurance?

Keep in mind too that they are hoping that people arent paying attention. Kinda like the roman empire. They were collapsing, but they kept telling the people go to the colosseum, enjoy the games.

We have our own manufactured distractions. The average joe cares about football, baseball, basketball etc. but has no clue as to what the government is trying to do to us. Hey stupid american go enjoy the games, nevermind how were about to F##k you over.

Even most young americans think that steven colbert, and jon stewart and their stupid sh#t passes as news!!! They are dumbing the population down with help from the ever so compliant liberal run public school establishment.

This has been a long time coming, the removal of guns from the hands of law abiding citizens is one of the keys to their unchecked power. The monsanto bill is too. They can starve you out since you have to buy GMO seeds every growing season if thats all there is.

This country is essentially a 3 leg stool, the 3 legs being god, guns, and the constitution. Remove one leg and it falls. They are whittling away at all 3 legs im sure you would agree, and hoping to weaken one of them to make it fall.