Slapstick mechanism pics request

Brain, I'm a waaaayy bigger idiot than just trying to put a stock slapstick in an A-body.... I'm thinking of modifying a jeep cherokee floor shifter ( for the 46RE trans that's in the car ). I'd have to get a stock one hack it to fit..AND convert it to cable operation...just not sure what is easier, modding this one or hacking one up...
Just thinking at this point but need some more information before I jump off the deep end

Younggun, I thought of the ratchet style shifter. Call me weird, but I personally don't like them.

OK, I found a bunch of pics here but that isn't going to help me at all.
I was hoping that I could glean some information about how it works and how to adapt it based on detailed pictures, but apparently it works by PFM... ;)
or at least has no corresponding adaptation to a vertical pin vertical gate shifter like the jeep one I have. Sometimes I'm such a glutton for punishment.