Mandatory Firearm insurance?

This is exactly the arguement they are making.
They are saying it makes just as much sence as insuring a car.
And you are right, it's BS.

And that's precisely what we need to do, call BS on this "infringement".

One of my employees today gave a figure... He said that of 75,000 (yes, seventy five thousand) cases of convicted felons attempting to secure fire arms, the Obama/Holder Justice department prosecuted 44 cases. Why?
Is this yet another way of promoting the need for new gun laws, by making believe existing gun laws aren't good enough, so we need new ones?
Perhaps if this justice department even attempted to enforce existing federal gun laws we'd find out that they do, in fact, work, and there wouldn't be a need for this latest round of "infringements". This latest attack on the on the Bill of Rights

This very same "justice department" (if you could call it that) refuses to enforce immigration laws, too. So, another imaginary need for more laws.
Damn it, enforce the laws we already have, you'll find that the do, in fact, address the issues we are facing today.

And,,,, so far you are a law abiding citizen, but they are working on that.

Very true. The administration claims that it has the safety of children in mind, while at the same time ignoring existing laws, scaring everyone, especially low information voters, into believing that new, different, and more strict laws will do the trick, but, to date, they've propose absolutely nothing that would have stopped an single mass shooting, yet. But would effectively disarm law abiding citizens.

The same joke about "Gun Free Zones" applies to a "gun free America".
Criminals don't buy guns, legally, and they don't care about gun laws. Further, announcing places that are "gun free" is an invitation to these shooter idiots. If there's anything they like it a place where they can do their "business" without being challenged.

The absolute stupidity in the way this administration, and this congress is handing this is unprecedented in this country.
"Blame the innocent law abiding citizen". What a complete load of BS.

By their actions, I hold the President, the administration, the political Left, and the Media directly responsible for allowing, inciting, and encouraging the behavior of the shooters.