Mandatory Firearm insurance?

Look up Randy Weaver, siege at ruby ridge. They have this on . This gives you an idea just how far this government will go on its own citizens.

I remember when this happened back in 1992. If the federal government was not guilty of crimes against these folks then why was the government ordered by the courts after Mr Weaver and his 3 daughters took the federal government to court to pay Mr Weaver and his children 3 million 100 thousand dollars.

Of course it can be argued that because of ruby ridge idaho and waco texas incidents, that timothy mcveigh blew up the federal building in oklahoma city as retaliation.

If the government comes to take away our rights there will be a lot of ruby ridges all over the country.

They will try to pull mandated insurance, then if we are all sheeple and comply, they will raise the cost of it every year until you cant afford it anymore. How will criminals afford it, well they are criminals, if they have guns nobody knows they have them, therefore they wont have any insurance.

I will not submit to any mandatory gun owner insurance, nor will i give them up. I clean my guns, and they dont accidentally go off like what happens with some of these idiots,, because i know how to handle my firearms. My guns are NOT where my kids can get to them, like some of these idiots.

I have a right to protect myself and my family. This does not come from government legislation, this is my god given right. You never hear in the media about the law abiding gun owner who stopped a crime with their firearm. Its because the news is only interested in sensationalizing violence and death, then blaming it on guns.

I see a gun as just.a tool, or machine. In the right hands it has the ability to protect innocent people, in the wrong hands it can be used for evil purposes. Its not the gun thats the problem, its the person who wants to use it in an evil way thats the problem. As long as theres evil in this world, i will never give up my right to defend myself and my loved ones.

If guns kill people then spoons made Rosie O'donnel fat

I love my country and will fight to protect her, but i hate my government, these people are so wrong i cant stand it.