wiring a voltage regulator

Incidently, if you have a 4 terminal ballast, pay attention to the drawing RE: the "U" shaped cutout in the ceramic base, which properly orients the two sections of the resistor assembly.
Great catch 67Dart273. Actually, the diagram shows the "I" terminal wired both upstream and downstream of the ignition ballast, which would short it out. No wonder so many people get confused and perhaps some cars are wired wrong and over-charging and others experience melted ECU's (where did diagram originate?). To verify that a dual ballast is wired correctly, one should measure 5 ohms from the upstream side of the ballast to the 5th pin of the ignition box and 0.5 ohm from upstream side to coil+. The upstream side is the side with the "U" where the terminals are connected together (Dk Blue from IGN1 on key switch). More modern ignitions lose the ballast confusion, but simplest to run with what you got and many like to stay original.