Bismarck isn't bad. Williston, watford city, Minot, Sidney... Those rea are the Wild West. Bismarck you can still find housing at decent pricing. Sidney you can rent a room in a trailer house for 7-800 a month. McDonalds rarely has the lobby open, drive thru only. Gas is 40cents higher there than here only 50miles away. Walmart in Williston doesn't stock shelves, they roll pallets of stuff into the isles and walk away. People squatting under mobile homes because there is nowhere affordable to live. People from the south come here and think that because their diesel truck is jacked and has huge mud tire they can still run 80-85 on the packed snow and ice. Drugs use is going nuts. I've never seen so many you g people making 6 figures with black teeth. Man camps, hundreds of dudes crammed into little living compounds. Sexual assault is jumping through the roof, with man on man becoming more prevalent than man on woman (see man camp).