2 dr sedan window channels?

OK, I have been searching and need some help.
My 69 Valiant 2dr needs the channel on the back of the vent window and the U channels in the door frames. They are just flat disappearing at an alarming rate and my spine tingles when I roll up the door glass and hear that "screech" sound as the window hits the top. So, when the driver door glass decided to take it's own path to the bottom of the door (apparently gravity is a law and not a rule), I decided it is time to address the issue.

Looking at various vendors, I find the horizontal wipers/fuzzies, the vent window channel with vague possibilities of fitting a sedan, and no listing on the door frame channels that I can fathom.

So what is the deal folks? Can someone point an old guy in the right direction?

Now, about those nylon pins that hold the glass to the regulator guides.....:banghead: