torque converter question.

80mph is ~ 8.50 et. Decent 60's in mid 1.8 for the same MPH

What's the tach go to when you mat it before picking up RPM.

A good converter makes a world of difference. A good converter that flashes into the very high 3's to low 4's would wake it up. Make sure the chassis is working, no spinning.

Its not spinning at all . What brand of converter would you say is good, I know there is going to be more then one. Not sure what rpm it jumps to right off hand . Do you means when Im at the light and hit from the foot brake. I will check tomorrow but I dont think it really jumps at all and I think if it jumps thats where it flashes right. How high of a stall do you think I need , Im thinking in the 3000 range. I think my car has more in it then 8.74 Im thinking 8.3 to 8.4 . I think my 60 ft is off a few tenths for sure.