R.I.P. to my sister in law. F*** cancer.

My sister in law died this morning from cancer. It was caught early, but it was pancreatic cancer, and that is nearly 100% terminal. They caught it extremely early and were optimistic. Usually you don't catch it until stage four, but they found it at stage two. Chemo and radiation, then surgery and they had high hopes. One month later they found cancer in her liver. Chemo this time didn't slow it down, and it kept growing, so they took her off chemo and told her to prepare for the inevitable. She made it a month and died at her home this morning surrounded by her family. She was 42 years old. Let me tell you friends, cancer sucks. I have seen way too much of it lately and I hate this ****. R.I.P. Karri. I'm sure God will let you into heaven even if you are a Red Sox fan. He is all about forgiveness.

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