Sask trip and Draggins car show pics

Hey Steve!

Just ran across this thread. Wow! What a cool car show. Beautiful machines (and the blond's not bad either - Ha!). Dig the Mopars, tractors, and that idea for the model kit. Sweet! Thanks for posting the photos.

So I have been out of the loop. Your moving to Saskatoon. My company has a plant on the North side of town that used to be called the Flexicoil plant. CNH now owns it and we build farm machinery there. We also have a engineering team there that I used to work with. Over the last 13 years I have traveled to Saskatoon a bunch of times. Absolutely love the people, the town, and restaurants. While the weather may be a bit sharp, I believe Saskatoon area will be a great place to live.

Hope all goes well with the move. I do not travel to Saskatoon much anymore, but if I do, I will make a point to find you and consume a few cool ones togeather!

Best of luck,

Ma Snart