Weight comparo: HDK vs Stock

You have done your home work Denny and your setup is top notch! For a car using your setup for autox, some agressive camber gain from ride height to bump would be the frosting on the cake is what im getting at. A taller spindle is one way, and a shorter upper ball joint stud is another. I dont know how much of either will reward a guy with how much camber gain. A solution to this would open an even larger market for your setup. The Pro spindles available in different heights?

as far as I can tell..one height on the Wilwood spindle.

Because of my set-up and the height of the Mustang II based spindle, on a "stock height" A-body, I usually fight for more upper ball joint height to minimize camber change, but when the car is lowered, and a short tire is used....not needed. I think caster gain is very do-able using stock length ball joints..please refer to the pics on page one. That is simulated with taller /extended upper ball joints...put the std length in and the upper will swing out slightly on compression...is that what you had in mind?

conclusion #1...there are no two alike.

conclusion #2...there is only so much I can do utilizing the factory upper control arm pivots....that is until I talk to you guys (John/JohnParts, Ross/Orangewagon, Cody/Darth Vader)

Excellent points....now YOU got me thinking