One last try.....

Not knowing the circuit or layout........................

Is the breaker(s) mounted near heat?

Can you temporarily cobble in a replacement?

Is it possible the alternator is overcharging or a short causing the breaker to trip?

I'm not sure I'd bypass it--you might end up with a smoking mess instead of just a cobbled one
:cheers: is there anything you can't figure out :thumleft: I was thinking vibration in my post, I did not think of heat and a overcharging magneto/alternator.. Good call :thumleft:

Well, if he is gonna hack it out anyway.
Good one :D I bet the wires would find something to melt threw if
he did :D

I hope we hear back soon from Ink, and he is not looking for a hammer :D
JJ Ink, I hope this gets figured out soon :smile: