nail gun whoops

Anybody ever have a mishap with a pneumatic air framing nailer?
I shot my thumb with one on accident over the weekend. Never trust the built in safety on these things. The nail got slowed down by a 2x4, but still entered the side of my thumb, and fractured the bone in the last digit.

It cant be set, just have to deal w the pain till it heals. I always used care when using this tool, however it was late in the day, and i was tired, this is when this happened. Probably should have put it down before this happened. Had to pull the nail out. I used a belt to bite down on , and a pair of plyers to remove . I can feel that its fractured. Its swollen up like a sausage, and has a tiny puncture wound in the side. I wasnt worried about getting pix with.a framing nail sticking out of the side of my thumb and blood everywhere. I was more concerned about removing the nail and stopping the bleeding. Currently taking ibuprophen for the pain. I think i got off lucky.

I guess the moral of this one is dont use power tools when tired or intoxicted. I was tired, and one careless mistake jacked me up pretty bad.

Cant get a tetanus shot either, im allergic to it.