One last try.....

If your suspicions are correct then why not bypass the circuit breaker in question and go for a test run. If it doesn't cut out then replace the breaker.

Or am I missin' sumpthin'?

Would be difficult to bypass it. If I was going to get that far into it might as well just toss the module in the trash and start over. The circuit breakers are epoxied into the power module.....

I would try and see if that power module is failing intermittantly. Also, "cobbled harness"? That doesn't sound too good. I can't stand running a power module, if I can help it. Seems like a perfect way to have you stranded out somewhere....I just like relays.

Not a fan of the thing neither which is why over next winter I am going to rewire it.......

Sounds like a car I had once. Coil would heat up car would die let cool down 10-15 mins. Good to go again. Just a thought. GL hope you track down the problem...

This was one of my fears as well. Luckily I have another set of 3 ohm coils.....

Not knowing the circuit or layout........................

Is the breaker(s) mounted near heat?

Can you temporarily cobble in a replacement?

Is it possible the alternator is overcharging or a short causing the breaker to trip?

I'm not sure I'd bypass it--you might end up with a smoking mess instead of just a cobbled one

It is not near the exhaust. It is in the same spot it always has been and have never had this particular problem to now....more below....

And that's something I had not. Forgot, fer a second, we're talking about a Harley

First milestone has been reached, I got to put gas in it at a pump instead of out of a can. Rode to the edge of Spokane & back (70 miles or so) with out a stumble, other than a very sore clutch hand (damn carpal tunnel surgery) with no troubles what-so-ever. Bike ran like it used to, ton of grunt and smooth once up to speed. When I tore it apart after getting stuck the other day I did find one slightly loose connection. Hopefully that was all it was. Going to go out later, if my hand will let me, if not tomorrow and go thru the farmers fields to get to town. Want to put a couple of hundred miles on it before I declare it fixed.....