More Colorado Pics

I miss the beauty of Colorado but not the cold.Thanks for the pic.:smile:
I have never been :oops:, But Joe has kept us updated how beautiful the state is :cheers:, wow! more good morning pictures to enjoy with my coffee this morning :cheers:

Thanks Back In Time and Tony. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in work and what's going on I forget to stop and "smell the roses" so to speak. Happy to see you do take the time Joe, heaven knows you stay busy at all hours of the day and 8 days a week :coffee2:

Jaws, I was up in Kremmling. I took these pictures on Hwy 9, the Blue River Parkway. I scoped out a few fishing spots while I was at it. Green Mountain Resevoir is really, really low on water BTW.

It must have drained into the Illinois river Joe :coffee2: it is at the nighest level in 70 years.... Peoria Ill is under water is some area's
Thank you once again for the eye candy Ramcharger :thumleft: