Thanks Grandpa.....

Nice ride,Ink. Can't change,what you grew up on.

Thanks.....and you are so right. My first love has always been a bike. When I lived in AZ I put 100k on a sport bike in less than 5 years. Rode that thing every where. Just a couple of hundred miles of saddle time has me really regretting ever getting started with a car......

No roads out there? :D

Nice bike.


If you seen how filthy the thing is you would think there is no pavement out here.

When Ernie comes home from her trip to AZ/Mexico in May we will be loading it on the trailer and taking it to the guy on the west side of Washington to get a seat made. Miss having my riding partner on the back......even though she spends some time on the back sleeping.......literally......I doubt she will be able to pull that off on the back of this. It is a soft tail, only by name. Hit a pot hole today, I think I my spine might have a shrunk an inch or two....