Unclaimed finds a Vietnam veteran left behind for 44 years




from here


posted April 26, 2013 09:11 AMHide PostReceived this from a SF member. It is a good 'read' and naturally will be disputed by many. What the hell. If I am to believe 'the story' of Robertson, I am obligated to consider 'the story' of Waugh.

This info from SGM (R) Billy Waugh, MACVSOG

Sorry that the information concerning John Hartley Robertson (JHR) flying around the net for the past days, has become confusing. According to persons in the USG, working in Phnom Phen, the Caucasian depicted in the photo has been proven not to be JHR, but to be a French citizen, long time in Cambodia, with a Vietnamese wife, and several children. Proof was produced by a DNA sample, more than one year back.

On receiving a message via email, for a solid contact, from the USG, with this info, who received this from his USG organization in Cambodia, I have become convinced that the brothers Faunce (Joseph and Thomas) are being duped by this Caucasian, whose language is pidgin English and Viet.

I did speak to Joseph Faunce on 25 Feb, prior to his departure / return to Cambodia that very day. These Faunce lads seem thoroughly convinced (that) they have JHR, but those USG personnel on the ground, who have taken DNA from this same man (according to the info I received) are certain this man is a fraud. I wish this was not true; however, it surely seems to be true.

Ex-POW (Mark Smith) in a message I received on 28 Feb and shown below, is convinced this Caucasian male is a fraud, having dealt with him 18 years back.

In talking to Mary Shantag, who, with her husband, operate the [email protected] in searching out those making false claims, agree with Mark Smith, that his Caucasian male in Cambodia, is attempting to fraud the USG. The USG has completed several actions involved with this man (according to info I have received)

I regret (that) the Faunce brothers, and several other fine American citizens, are taken in by these actions. I surely regret that the real JHR is not alive, for I worked in the same project as did this fine man.