Good deal?

If the Dart is mechanicly sound I`d get it. :prayer: Darts never die!!!! My granddad had one not sure the year maybe a 70 it was a dark blue swinger is all I can remember of it,passed it on to my dad who passed it on to my brother who as a 16 year old kid couldn`t kill it though he tried real hard too. At least the old ones don`t die anyway, I can`t comment on that new thing they want to call a Dart.
I bought an 89 S-15 brand new back in the day biggest POS I ever had the misfortune of owning! Replaced the ball joints at least 3 times engine once,paint peeling off everywhere for no reason,body seam around rear window weeped water in and soaked pad under carpet making all the glass fog up when the sun hit it. Even had the power steering pulley actually break off while I was driving around town, just the center of the pulley around the bolt was left in the block, mechanic at the dealership was like oh another one.