1970 Dodge Dart Vin Number ERROR ???

Hi people.

I'm having some issues with the Vin Tag numbers on the car I have recently purchased.

The Dash Vin tag reads LL 23 GPR 162010

The door & Fender tags reads LL 23 GOR 162010

Is this a factory error?
Is it a special factory letter in place of the year code.

If its just a human error when typing in the Vin number back in 1969/70 how could it even be possible to get the car registered when the Dash Vin number is wrong to the other 2 tags.

If anyone knows of or knows anything as to why this Vin has the P code instead of the correct O in the year position on the Dash Tag i would appreciate the feedback greatly.

I have enclosed a picture of both the Vin tag & Door tag just so you all know I'm not blind as I have been told elsewhere. :cheers: