Have YOU Run 5x100 and had Failure First Hand?

I did not want any Drama or Name calling.....as you see above we have a well diversified group that have also a wide range of knowledge. Also you will see some say yes and some say no , some with insults and some with clear knowledge. This is how we reach our own decisions of what we should do or not do, and we learn opinions of people and what their knowledge "Limits" may be. I DO NOT KNOW that is why I have asked this question on an open Forum so everyone can have their input and I welcome it. so lets leave the colorful language and insults aside and Help me reach my own conclusion as to where she gets the wheels she picked out or DAD will have to over ride it. I know they will work, I have walked up to people and asked first hand at Auto Cross races and they say it's ok. I ran the S*** out of a '67 Camaro when I was younger and stupid with Mini Lights made for a Jag not a "Chevy" ,8 in. Slicks ,side stepping the Clutch, running at night through the mountains the whole deal(4 years). I am now wanting to know the origional question. Does ANYONE know of a Known Issue. Thank you for all your input good or bad....Tim