Turbo 383 in a A-body Barracuda

Well I knew you didn't so I never said anything but they did a horrible job they only tack welded them about every 1.5" around and then used some sort of caulking to seal it up the passenger side is laid in strait but the drivers side is all out of wak but I have another drivers side so I will redo that one and that will also let me fix the hole were the four speed hump was also found one spot of rust that was missed in the seat area that I will have to cut out and replace

Good you are going through it! Was wondering why the Por-15 didn't stick. I always use stock or AMD pieces as they actually fit!

On another note,
went to the SRT Experience Saturday and had a blast! Me and one of my car club buddies were paired up for the day. We were told several times "That was textbook guys!" Guess they didn't hear us when they asked if we had ever been on a track before :D....

We both felt "BLOCKED" throughout the day. I really wanted to overtake the instructor several times LoL.... They did ask us to back off 3 car links instead of 1.5 a couple times :banghead:

I do like the new SRT Charger and especially the Yellow Jacket Challengers!!! They handled the best of all that was there. The SRT Jeeps scared the piss out of me on the 2.5 mile road course. I just couldn't get used to driving a SUV like we did the cars. I will tell you the Jeeps were badass on the short auto-cross courses! They were even faster than the cars on the straightaways! We were very disappointed that there were no Vipers there!!!! Felt robbed on that instance :protest:

Drove the SRT300 once and was done with those! Those are for OLD FOLKS!!!! We kept jumping in the Chally's and Chargers LoL......

Good stuff!! If you ever get the chance to do it, GO FOR IT!!! We flogged the hell out of those cars :cheers:....

Shame we couldn't drive our own cars! I would have drug everything out there :finga:......