i got a summer job offer whoohoo

Hi Rani, your dreams sound very reachable,so don't give up on them. I don't know how poly sci wil fit I with the transmission shop, but go after whatever you love, not necessarily what your degree may be in. A job that you love is not a job, but instead is your avocation. Pursue it for all you're worth and don't look back. Maybe sometime in the future, after your transmission shop is successful, you'll run for Congress. But whatever may come your way, chase your dreams and they will eventually come true.

And you probably already know that husbands may come and go too, so don't let one get in the way of your dreams either.

I'd bet that half of the single guys on this site would chase you if they lived near you. We all love women who love cars like we do! I missed one thirty years ago when I pursued my dreams to be in the Air Force, but I found a great lady eight years ago.

Best of luck!!!