mph to low maybe wrong gears?

Crackedback was just trying to help...and seriously dude, the title of your post is "mph to low maybe wrong gears?" is painfully obvious to everyone else that you don't know what you are doing, but people are trying to help you. Why ask for help if you aren't going to listen? . . . . ok, now you can add me to the Richard Cranium list.
ok bud when i rejet carb with my thoughts and my 2 hands and money i will posts time slips, that will be the truth of this story, until then keep your commets to your self. yes i titled the post wrong. i found better info on jetting carbs through internet searches that were not even related to this site, as far as going off on crack its was the comment and stupid picture by him and kim about me blowing my motor if people here cant understand why that would piss someone off after all the hard work and money into this motor, i guess i shouldnt post on a site with losers.