Vert latches - Year one - sale ????

Hi all , a while ago year one had a sale for a-body convertible
latches. I purchased some, as did many other members here
from what I read. Remember they were like $49 each , great deal.
Of course they were out of stock at the time. It has been , I think
a least a month maybe 6 weeks since then. I never recieved confirmation
or nothing from them . Not even we are out of stock letter. Is this normal
for Year one not to acknowledge purchases, and has anyone actully received there latches yet? Just wondering if I should start sending them
nasty letters is all. Cheers. Also I need to buy some lower quarter panal patches for my 67 and 68 barracudas and not to sure I want to use year one for this purchase seeing as this Latch purchase is not seeming to
happen to well. Silence is not always golden. Any sugestions on where
to buy these ? good quality and good price would be cool. LOL Cheers
and thanks to all who respond.
