72 duster Build progress

well guys, I didnt get as much done today as I had hoped to.

I woke up this morning and went to hop in the shower.........no hot water (CRAP).... went and checked the water heater and pilot was out....so I tried getting the pilot going and I could get it to light but not stay lit. So I thought it was most likely a bad thermal coupler. I got ahold of my dad and he said he has a new one in the package still. So I went about my day dinking around with the duster and then tonight went to install the part and still nothing. its been sitting in the package for probably 10 years though and had a little bit of green corrosion on the feed line to the probe. so I am thinking it may also have been bad. so in the morning I have to go pick up a new one and come back and get it all installed and hopefully that fixes that and THEN I can get back into full swing on the duster lol.

anyhow....all that mumbo jumbo aside. I did finish the repairs on the grille and the body work on the grille. I got a couple coats of paint on before I ran out of paint. so I had to go pick up some more so I can finish it up tomorrow hopefully ( I still have to do atleast one more coat on the grille and I still have to do the bezels). But its coming out nice. Once I am done laying the black on (same stuff I used to paint my scoops and spoiler. I will mask off the fins and I will be doing them in argent silver.

I also started polishing up the grille trim top and bottom ( but of course it was anodized aluminum) so all of the anodize looked like crap and when I tried polishing it....it just looked like shiny crap lol. so I took some easy off oven cleaner and sprayed them down (removes the anodizing).....then hammered and dollied out a few dings in the trim....then did some wet sanding and polishing on them and still have to finish the rest up tomorrow maybe.

once the headlight bezels are polished up. I will then mask them off and repaint the centers in the black to match the grille.

so thats the plan and all of that should get the grille looking like brand new again!.

stay tuned because there is more to come!

After sanding it all down

during paint