4 speed worth?
Well I can say there, that it had all new gears and seals put in. I am not very "trans savy" but it had a complete overhaul done on it. So what could get replaced, did. My boss who owns a transmission shop, is the one who rebuilt it for his 69 dart. He is getting to the age where driving a standard isn't what he is looking for, so he swapped in a 727 for driving around town. I am going to sell this one for a decent 727 that I can put in my car and go. I have a 3 speed on the tree now and all I have is a z bar and the pedals. It's a 3 speed z bar so I don't even know if it will work. I can't afford the big block bellhousing and linkages/shifter and floor hump for my car, bills are tight for me right now. Anyone interested in buying it? I will work out a trade on it also for a built 727.