Project- Bills Buggy

Despite little setbacks and whatnot, I have had the Dart out more times already at this point in the season, then I have ever had it out before.. Loving the way the new springs feel.. Today the weather was beautiful.. 78 degrees.. nice cool breeze, sunny.. Decided it was a 'take the muscle car to work' day.. it got lots of looks, and visitors at work checking it out.. it was just great seeing her bask in the sun... really wish I would've had my regular camera.. but, the early morning light, with the really pretty colored trees was too good to pass up.. so.. I had to go with an iphone pic.. Enjoy..

Hope everyone else is starting to get their cars out, and enjoying the start of another cruising season...

This weeks projects, to get my antenna installed finally (and stop looking at that hole in the top of the fender) and get my glove box liner in.. stay tuned..