Paint shop jail... No parole!!!

I truly believe that he will complete the car. He works at a nationally known resto shop in Oklahoma. I spoke with the owner of that shop and he recommended my guy ( his employee). The owner said "he is the best metal fabricator and painter i have seen"(still talking about my painter). Their cars have been featured on PowerBlock and other publications. He works in his shop every other week. So if i try to convince myself this is really like he has only had it six months. I'm just really tired of waiting and worrying if it is ever gonna get done.

When you are dealing with an individual (not a major shop) the person is liable only to the point that he can pay. The shop that he works at obviously won't assume responsibility if you made a side deal with him and this guy could disappear any time.

IS he doing your car on the shop's dime? That is important to ask the shop owner! WILL he guarantee that it will get done? Do you have paperwork from the shop?

If this is a "side job", get your car NOW!

Those who say "contact the BBB" or "spread bad media" etc are not taking this into consideration. A person who has nothing can't be sued. I speak from experience! I watched this happen over and over. You HAVE probably lost every dime you gave him BUT you haven't lost your car yet. What is the car worth? You could lose it too. Every day you wait, you are gambling on that.

One other thing you could try: Email the bodyman a link to this thread! Of course, he could haul *** and leave town.