What is a modded /6 worth

It's kinda comical to me. I have 3/4 of what they're asking for that whole slant just in my slant head alone.

People don't want to pan anything for anything. It's human nature these days to want somethin for nuthin. Yet, they'll spend 3K on a slant build only to find out there's no way in hell they can get half that for it.

Here's the secret about slants. Don't expect to break even if you ever have to sell. It's a slant. That's just how it is. If you really want it, throw um an offer out. If you REALLY want it, go buy it.

Like Charlie said, it has some really nice accessories on it already that would save you some time money and trouble right off the bat. Just know that if you pay 1500-2000 for it, you'll likely never get your money back.

That's why when you build a slant, you build it because you love it, not because you might sell it one day.