Magnum Kegger Mods

ok well i worked on the intake all afternoon and didnt get as far as i hoped but hey, its my day off.

first thing was to pressure wash the intake to get the big stuff off, i will give it a really good cleaning once im all done and ready for welding.

anyways first job is to remove the dividing wall. now i first tried using a air saw with a white blade (not the super fine blade but next rougher) and didn't have much luck! so i took the aluminum ball bit and used it to thin the edges i wanted to cut, then using the saw it went much faster.

being that im going to fill the upper area of the manifold i was not to worried about removing all the wall, but i did smooth where i thought it would be exposed. i left peices in the roof as they would be covered but if not filling that area in you should remove those and smooth it.

after that i got started on a port, yea i got one port done lol. anyways i layed the center most part of the runner up 1.6" from its current position, and moved the outer most part only 1/4". doing this will open up the mouth of the port and help when i instal the turtle.

so now i just need to finish doing all the ports then i can move to the filling part. i will also be calling a friend about having the TB holes opened to 53mm so when i upgrade later i wont have an issue.