how did you learn to work on cars?
I was about 10 and one day while working on the family va, my dad handed me a 9/16" wrench and pointed at the bolts on the windsheild wiper fluid resevoir and said take those off.
I was bit.
Over the years I learned a little more everytime dad was outside under the hood, I was under there too. I learned how much money you save by doing it yourself. I had a lot of fun.
Then my grandma died.... Dad spent 3 years in bed mourning her loss and I spent 3 years on the computer teaching myself by finding anything and everything mopar related that was out there.
Then I started working here and there at my childhood best friends dad's body shop, he's the same age as dad and I learned alot from him. Then I got into highschool and my teacher in auto tech was the same age. He was definitely a proffesional and I look up to him and respect him to this day.
Of course, I've learned alot from this site.