how did you learn to work on cars?
It started long before I Cars. Dad was a mechanic and a Drag racer from before the time I was born. When I was 3yo I found my fathers tool pouch and disassembled my tricycle. Dad put it back together and I did it again two weeks later. After that he me put it back together but used locktite so I couldn't get it back apart again. Then it was on to Bicycles years later. Mom says I never had a bike more than two weeks before it was in pieces.
My first car was a 70 Slant 6 Duster with 3 on the tree. Dad gave it me at 14 and it was pretty much a basket case. By 16 I had it running great till I blew it up about a year later (So much for /6`s being indestructible!! ;p). I would love to find that car again (Mostly so I could fix all the half assed stuff I did to it back then).
My daughter was the same way. She grew up at the drag strip. I remember getting yelled at by some lady for having her too close to the starting line at 3yo (She had ear protection) and as I walked away, MY daughter threw a temper tantrum. She wanted to stay. The lady fussing at me agreed.. ok that kid wants to be here.
By the time she was 5yo, I would drive my Duster to the strip on street tires and soon I got there I would jack it up, set some jack stands and break the lug nuts loose.. Her favorite thing to do was to help Dad change to the slicks. Got yelled at again by a busy body when I am on one side of the car breaking things loose and she is on the other taking the lug nuts I had already loosened off.
Now my granddaughters favorite thing is sitting in the Duster at 10 months old...She loves the rumble. And the family tradition goes on..
How did we learn?? The only way anyone learns.. By doing.